Dear January Garden Starters!
Miigwech (thanks) for more sunshine in a day! Now I can start planting… AGAIN! I have had a restful 2 months off of gardening, and ready to get back at er! I will keep this blog quick and to the point. If you have read my previous blogs, you got this already. The video above gives a bit more detail if you would like to check that out!
So, what do I like to plant in January? Tomatoes, peppers and herbs (minus basil which will just go spindly, so wait till February). I also plant a couple chard and elite lettuce to grow indoors for a little pick-me-up fresh green before things actually start growing outside.
We are past the solstice, so a good time to start the veggies that take a LONG time to grow. Lots of people start their peppers and tomatoes in February or March (some maybe April) and that is totally fine. I will tell you why I start mine in January. I have a busy job that requires extra attention in September (I’m in education) which is about the same time frost can hit and slugs arrive in droves decimating and eating EVERYTHING they can. So, instead of running around at night covering everything in September and trying to find tricks to get rid of slugs, I start things early! Then they are pretty much done by the time September rolls around.
Also.. I’m not fond of aphids… You can try and bring in your potted plants, but aphids often come with that, and peppers almost always explode with them as soon as they come into the house or garage. Then the aphids attack every plant in your house, leaving you with the lovely task of trying to deal with all those aphids on a daily basis for what can be months! (A new hobby for the winter??? Aphid control???)
How do I start? I make sure to have germinating soil. Very important as sometimes regular potting soil is too hot with nutrients for the plants. I typically plant things an average of 5 days before the full-moon for good root growth. (Think about it… the moon can move oceans… and it also has a huge effect on plants in many ways! A very powerful moon we have!) I put them in tiny pods to start, and as they grow bigger, I transplant them into bigger pots with more nutritious soil (usually 1-2 months depending on variety). I place them in a nice warm, sunny spot in the house and keep them moist (not soggy).
Oh… I like to talk to my plants, and my son also will chat them up. I believe they can hear and respond. Crazy? Maybe… but hey, it seems to work. It’s amazing what a little kindness can do for people, plants and animals, don’t you think?
I also like to do my trays double with a layer of plastic between to hold water for the plants, and also to keep the water from flowing all over my floors. It can get very messy and wet! Speaking of plastic, I want to mention here that I reuse plastic. I don’t buy new stuff. I use milk bags in this video. I also use old yogurt or margarine containers to make the tags/labels that will move along with the plant into each new pot as they grow. All my pots are also used year after year. I love to reuse what is available to help our dear planet out.
I am getting organized for my February plant too. On that list? More peppers and tomatoes for late harvest, celery, celeriac and egg plant.
Anyway… time to let the gardening begin! Ready, Set… GO!!! and please, have some fun! Enjoy the new life you are surrounded by. 🙂
Happy Gardening!
P.s. If you have questions, please feel free to drop me a line at
So, I forgot to add music to my garden video, but here is a song I wrote MANY years ago. I love to include children in my songs when I can. Most of the children in this song are no longer children! Here is “What About Me?”